
Thursday, 20 October 2011

Breaking News! Muammar Qaddafi Reportedly Captured in Libya

Libyan militia leadership tells AFP that former dictator Muammar Qaddafi has been captured.
More details after the jump…
Libyan strongman Muammar Qaddafi has been captured, a Transitional National Council military commander said Thursday.
“He has been captured. He is badly wounded, but he is still breathing,” Mohamed Leith told AFP, adding that he saw Qaddafi himself and that he was wearing a khaki uniform and a turban.
Qaddafi was said to be wounded in both legs, according to Reuters, which said he was detained near Sirte.
Libyan TV channel Libya lil Ahrar also said that he was in custody.
However, the TNC’s UK spokesman, Mahmoud Nacua, warned that there was “not enough information” to confirm Qaddafi’s capture, and a former TNC spokesman in Britain, Guma al Gamati told Sky News that “this is not confirmed.”
Sirte, Qaddafi’s hometown and the last bastion of his supporters, was the last holdout against TNC forces. The town’s capture, which both military officials and new regime political sources said was expected later Thursday, would pave the way for the TNC to officially take control of Libya and move its headquarters away from its Benghazi stronghold in the east to the capital, Tripoli.

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