
Monday, 17 October 2011

Making of rihanna's we found love

Just your luck. Two behind the scenes posts in a row. This time Rihanna goes behind the scenes for the making of her new video “We Found Love.” Personally, I would have been fine with video montage of just pictures. But for those out there who really get a kick of seeing how videos come together, this clip’s for you. And according to the pop megastar, this one was unique, even for her.
“We’ve never done a video like this before. This is probably one of the deepest videos I’ve ever done. Its all about love and love being like a drug… you definitely get that from this. The good feeling of it and the dangers of it. That’s what this video is about.”
I’m not doubting her at all. She knows her career and colleagues better than I do.  However, if I had a nickel every time an artist said they’ve “never done a video/song like this before,” I wouldn’t know who Sallie Mae is right now.

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