
Thursday, 13 October 2011

Would This Iced-Out, 24-Carat Apple MacBook Pro Make Steve Jobs Proud?

Steve Jobs—the founder of Apple who passed away at the age of 56 last week—didn’t seem like he was the flashiest guy. He routinely announced major breakthroughs like the Apple iPhone 4 and the Apple iPad while wearing a black turtleneck and jeans. His home, by all accounts, was a relatively modest brick house that didn’t exactly scream, “I’M A BILLIONAIRE!” And just about all of the products he introduced to the world were powerful and innovative on the outside, but very cleanly-designed and simplistic on the outside.

So, we’re not sure what Jobs would make of this Apple MacBook Pro that was recently given a complete overhaul by the folks over at Computer Choppers. For starters, this MacBook Pro is outfitted in 24-carat gold. Yes, that’s right—24-carat gold. But, that’s not all that they’ve done to it. In addition to adding gold, Computer Choppers also decorated the Apple logo in the middle of the MacBook Pro with diamonds to mark is sparkle. We’re not exactly sure how many diamonds they used, but as you can probably tell, they weren’t particularly shy about making it glitter.

So, now the question that everyone out there is probably asking: How much does that thing cost? Drumroll please…D’ah, sorry. We have no idea, because Computer Choppers didn’t reveal how much it’d cost for you to get your hands on one of these. But, it’s safe to say that the only way you’re getting your hand on one of these is if you were listed somewhere on Steve Jobs’s will. Take a look at it in all of its glory below.

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